- SimdanceWe have developed a multiplayer edition as well…
- Youth Sports Festival’2412nd FESTIVAL OF YOUTH SPORTS, June 5, 2024, Slovenska Bistrica At the end of the approaching end of the school year and… Read more: Youth Sports Festival’24
- Lifelong learning’24Weeks of lifelong learning (TVU) are the most prominent promotional campaign in the field of education and learning in Slovenia. The project… Read more: Lifelong learning’24
- MarijuanaMarch’24The Global Marijuana March (GMM), also referred to as the Million Marijuana March (MMM), is an annual rally held at different locations… Read more: MarijuanaMarch’24
- GameGangShow’24Gamers, are you ready? GAMING SPECTACLE OF THE YEAR IS BACK! Experience the ultimate gaming experience at the Game Gang Show 2024!… Read more: GameGangShow’24
- Youth Sports Festival11st FESTIVAL OF YOUTH SPORTS, June 7, 2023, Slovenska Bistrica. At the end of the approaching end of the school year and… Read more: Youth Sports Festival
- SimathlonThe workout of the future? Simathlon offers great entertainment during indoor cycling workouts. It offers additional motivation to stay active and healthy… Read more: Simathlon
- Cooperation IINONON ZONE ASSET (Unity3D) + GYROWIFI app + TERRAWORLD (optional) Spectator mode is a feature that allows players to watch other players…… Read more: Cooperation II
- Simbike Event>> You can now organize your own GoldSprint event, too. <<
- LP barThere was a nice corporate TeamBuilding NewYear’s party in Ljubljana ….
- Wedding danceWe did it! Our first opening wedding dance was fun as it sounds… 🙂
- Slovenia Global Game JamJAN. 17:00 UTC+01 – 31. JAN. 17:00 UTC+01 We will be jamming! Stay tuned! More on this event: https://www.facebook.com/events/733880130865128/ GLOBAL GAME JAM
- BRANDED local terrain mapsWe can now offer you a downloadable branded track that can be used with ANY ANT+ cadence sensor, powermeter or smart trainer… Read more: BRANDED local terrain maps
- CooperationWe are huge sports enthusiasts, especially for indoor cycling simulations (like GTA V/Bike MOD). We have successfully developed our own cycling gameplay… Read more: Cooperation
- LinksWikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldsprint articles https://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/25/nyregion/cyclists-race-in-bars-going-nowhere-fast-spokes.html https://www.active.com/cycling/articles/goldsprints-when-happy-hour-meets-cycling Videos
- GoldsprintsIntroduction Two cyclists walk into a bar. Then they get on stationary bikes and pedal like crazy. After about 15 seconds, it’s… Read more: Goldsprints
- HistoryIntroduction Almost as soon as there were bicycles, there were methods contrived to ride them in place, and as soon as there… Read more: History
- Hello world!Welcome to Goldsprint Games. This is our first post. Please enjoy reading our next news.