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Gallery Two


Gallery Three


  • Simdance


    We have developed a multiplayer edition as well…

  • Youth Sports Festival’24

    Youth Sports Festival’24

    12nd FESTIVAL OF YOUTH SPORTS, June 5, 2024, Slovenska Bistrica At the end of the approaching end of the school year and school sports competitions, the Youth Sports Festival took place again. In addition to the final competition in athletics for elementary schools, this day Slovenska Bistrica turned into a real sports town of a…

  • Lifelong learning’24

    Lifelong learning’24

    Weeks of lifelong learning (TVU) are the most prominent promotional campaign in the field of education and learning in Slovenia. The project is coordinated at the Andragoške centrum Slovenije (ACS) and organize it in cooperation with hundreds of institutions, groups and individuals throughout the country and beyond our borders. With it, we draw attention to…

  • MarijuanaMarch’24


    The Global Marijuana March (GMM), also referred to as the Million Marijuana March (MMM), is an annual rally held at different locations around the world on the first Saturday in May. A notable event in cannabis culture, it is associated with cannabis-themed events, which may include marches, meetings, rallies, raves, concerts, festivals, and attempts at…

  • GameGangShow’24


    Gamers, are you ready? GAMING SPECTACLE OF THE YEAR IS BACK! Experience the ultimate gaming experience at the Game Gang Show 2024! And we have presented our new Goldsprint racing game… this time to be played on a balance board. Ladies and gentlemen… here is a SIMBOARD video game!

  • Youth Sports Festival

    Youth Sports Festival

    11st FESTIVAL OF YOUTH SPORTS, June 7, 2023, Slovenska Bistrica. At the end of the approaching end of the school year and school sports competitions, the Youth Sports Festival took place again after a break of several years. In addition to the final competition in athletics for elementary schools, this day Slovenska Bistrica turned into…

  • Simathlon


    The workout of the future? Simathlon offers great entertainment during indoor cycling workouts. It offers additional motivation to stay active and healthy (physically and psychologically) through interactive visualisation, group activity, fun, while providing users with a clear analysis of their training. Easy to use for all generations!The simulator is becoming increasingly popular with recreational cyclists…

  • Cooperation II

    Cooperation II

    NONON ZONE ASSET (Unity3D) + GYROWIFI app + TERRAWORLD (optional) Spectator mode is a feature that allows players to watch other players… or just enjoy exploring the map without taking part in the game. It can be a great way to enhance the social and educational aspects of a game, as well as attracting new…

  • Simbike Event

    Simbike Event

    >> You can now organize your own GoldSprint event, too. <<

  • LP bar

    LP bar

    There was a nice corporate TeamBuilding NewYear’s party in Ljubljana ….